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Capital market insights for modern private partnerships

Providing industry insights, content guides, and other Partnership Enablement resources to support our customers and their investment partners through every stage of partnership.

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Effective Partnership Enablement Part 4: seamlessly integrating workflows

Understand what it means for Partnership Enablement to be seamless.

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Effective Partnership Enablement Part 3: the importance of scalable systems

See what it means for Partnership Enablement to be scalable.

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Effective Partnership Enablement Part 2: the value of shared information

Learn what it means for Partnership Enablement to be shared.

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How far is your organization on the path to Partnership Enablement?

Learn about the 5 principles for effective Partnership Enablement and see how far your firm is along the path to true operational excellence.

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[Scorecard] Is your organization on the path to effective Partnership Enablement?

Evaluate whether you’re on the right path to taking a more modern approach to partnerships with this scorecard.

Mindset Ventures Private Fund Feature Blog 2x

Private Fund Feature: Mindset Ventures

In this edition, we are excited to interview Daniel Ibri, Founder of Mindset Ventures, a venture capital fund investing in early-stage technology.

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Five principles of effective Partnership Enablement: Part 1

By modernizing your approach to partnership management with a single system, you can build lasting relationships and identify exceptional investment opportunities—across every stage of every partnership.

Lessons in CRE Tech Innovation webinar Resouces Page

Key lessons in CRE tech innovations

Read about lessons learned and get advice from technology innovation leaders at Hines, BentallGreenOak, and Lionpoint Group.

5 Principles of Partnership Enablement

[Infographic] 5 principles to delivering better investor experiences

Learn what’s needed to build the mutual trust and empowerment that successful private partnerships rely on.

State of Venture Capital Q223 blog Hero

The state of venture capital - Q3 update

Although we are still in a time of uncertainty in global markets, the venture capital space continues to be an attractive asset class for investors chasing long-term returns.

Commercial real estate executive survey Capital raising in 2022

Venture capital valuations in 2022

Key takeaways from Juniper Square's roundtable discussion on the valuation landscape with guest speakers from KPMG and Kroll.

Apex One Fundraiser Feature Blog 2x

Fundraiser Feature: Ernest Johnson at ApexOne Investment Partners

Meet a top fundraiser at Juniper Square: Ernest Johnson from ApexOne Investment Partners.

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