Capital market insights for modern private partnerships
Providing industry insights, content guides, and other Partnership Enablement resources to support our customers and their investment partners through every stage of partnership.

Canada Webinar: Investor Communications in 2021
Learn more about the different trends in investor relations and communication in private equity in 2021 and beyond.

Is the hotel real estate sector ready for a rebound?
Hospitality executive Jatin Desai provides an expert perspective on emerging trends and strategies to take advantage of the recovery in hotel real estate.

Juniper Square ponders future of office with digital-first, hybrid workplace strategy
Juniper Square shares an inside look to becoming a digital-first, hybrid workplace - why they made their decision, how they implemented it, and what the results were.

Juniper Square for Outlook
Juniper Square offers an Outlook app that allows you to seamlessly access CRM data from your workspace without leaving your inbox.

Insights & Ideas: State of Hospitality
Jatin Desai, Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer at Peachtree Hotel Group (PHG) discusses the current state of one of the hardest-hit sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Searching for a real estate fund admin? Ask these questions.
Whether you’re starting your search or re-evaluating your current fund admin, we recommend using these 4 measures to assess a fund admin’s quality and value.

Digital first at Juniper Square
Juniper Square shares plans on entering the post-Covid era as a digital-first, hybrid company, headquartered in the Cloud.

How CRE investors are fundraising in 2021
Juniper Square customers, MJW Investments and ApexOne, discuss emerging commercial real estate trends and capital raising in 2021.

4 Juniper Square updates that will make fundraising even more efficient
Juniper Square is constantly building new tools to streamline fundraising and improve productivity. Here are several new features that will increase workflow efficiency.

15 tips to streamline the year-end process
Juniper Square gathered CRE leaders, tax planning, and fund administration experts to discuss year-end challenges. Here are 15 tips to make the process run smoothly.

How CRE Investors are Fundraising in 2021
See results from the latest Juniper Square fundraising survey and hear CRE leaders Natalie Greenberg of MJW Investments and Ernest Johnson of ApexOne discuss best practices for raising capital in today's environment.

Research results: CRE executives share fundraising strategies for 2021
In our annual CRE capital-raising survey, we asked executives about their fundraising and capital-raising plans for 2021.